Wednesday 29 April 2020

13- SOCIAL SCIENCE. Spanish rivers.

Hi Class!

Today you are going to learn the Spanish rivers.

1- To begin with, open your Pupil's book  to page 50 and look at the map.

2- Now, click on the picture and look carefully the map. Compare it with the map you have in your book and find the new rivers that appear in the map.

3- After that, you are ready to play a game in order to learn the name of the rivers and their location. Click HERE to play.


  1. Hi , Noemi I play the game and is so funny .I didn't know the rivers

  2. Hi "unknow"(desconocido)! I'm very glad you like the game. As much as you play, sooner you will learn the rivers. Please, next time, write your name, otherwise I can't know who you are!!! Kisses.
