Wednesday 15 April 2020

1-SOCIAL SCIENCE.UNIT 4. Autonomous Communities.

Hi Class!

Today we start a new unit from Social Science. I know you will love it!

In Spain, there are 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous Cities: Ceuta and Melilla.

LOOK! →Islas Baleares and Islas Canarias form an Autonomous Community each one.

1- Look at the following map of Spain and COUNT the AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITIES. Find the 2 AUTONOMOUS CITIES.

2- Open your notebook. Write the date, your number list, group and name and answer the following questions:

a) Which continent are Ceuta and Melilla located on?
b) Which Ocean or Sea are the Balearic Islands located on?
c) Which Ocean or Sea are the Canary Islands located on?
d) How many islands form the Canary Islands?
e) How many islands form the Balearic Islands?
f)  Write the name of the Autonomous communities that are coloured YELLOW.
g) Write the name of the Autonomous communities that are coloured PURPLE.
h) Write the name of the Autonomous communities that are coloured GREEN.
i)  Write the name of the Autonomous communities that are coloured RED.
j) Is Andorra an Autonomous community of Spain or is it a country?

3- Click here  to play a game that will help you learn, remember and locate the 17 Autonomous Communities and the 2 Autonomous Cities of Spain. Hope you like it! Watch out the chrono!
4- Another similar game to play and learn the name of the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities of Spain. Click HERE.

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